Collaboration Now
CNBC Presents Collaboration NOW
(Also available in Podcast)
Contributors/websites of interest related to this show include:
BT (biggerthinking)
World Economic Forum BlogNegotiation Genius
The Culture of Collaboration Blog
Group Genius
Keith Sawyer Blog
The Creative Class
Closing the Innovation Gap
The Cranium Game
Simran Sethi
Infosys Banking and Capital Markets
Calling for Reader Reports: Spring Conferences, WorldChanging Team, March 4, 2009
Since one of our main goals is to get smart, visionary people around the world to connect with one another, we encourage you to share your experiences with the Worldchanging community by posting thoughtful submissions.
The Amazing Race, SEED Magazine, by Anthony Kaufman, February 25, 2009
…an around the world race to make audio recordings of dying languages, giving us a glimpse of how technology can promote language diversity…
TED Talks Howard Rheingold: Way-new Collaboration
Howard Rheingold talks about the coming world of collaboration, participatory media and collective action — and how Wikipedia is really an outgrowth of our natural human instinct to work as a group.
Harvard Business Review/ Harvard School of Business Resources:
Innovation through Global Collaboration: A New Source of Competitive Advantage
Published: August 31, 2007
Paper Released: July 2007, revised August 2007
Authors: Alan MacCormack, Theodore Forbath, Peter Brooks, and Patrick Kalaher
What Kind of Collaboration is Right for You?, December 2008