Issue: Economy

Davos Diary: Replace, Don't Repair, Broken Institutions

America's Economic Myths
"Mainstream economists and so-called experts have filled the minds of most Americans with many economic myths that are constantly reinforced by the media and repeated on the streets. These myths are erroneous at best, sometimes based on half truths."

The Economic Crisis and the Developing World TIME Magazine, March 10, 2009

The Great Fall

Swimming Against the Tide: How Developing Countries are Coping with the Global Crisis
prepared by the World Bank Staff for the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting, UK, March 13-14, 2009

The Job Crisis
Not even the gloomiest predict that today’s slump will approach the severity of the Depression, which shrank America’s economy by more than a quarter, and put a quarter of the working-age population out of a job. But with the world in its deepest recession since the 1930s and global trade shrinking at its fastest pace in 80 years, the misery of mass unemployment looms nonetheless, and raises the big question posed in the Depression: what should governments do?

Lie, Cheat, Flirt, What People will do to Keep a Job TIME, By Alice Park, March 12, 2009
"In this market, a job is about the only asset that continues to have value. So, if your livelihood were threatened, how far would you go to hang on to it? Would you lie to your colleagues? Would you flirt with your boss?"

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